Hi, I'm Jessica. I’ve been scribbling away for eighteen years now.

I’m an experienced writer, editor, communicator and project manager based in Toronto, Canada.

My work has appeared in over 50 publications across Canada and internationally including The Globe and Mail, Metro News, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Windsor Star, Regina Leader Post, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Province, a wide variety of magazines, and internationally with Digital Content Next, FIPP, The Innovation in News Media World Report and numerous other publications.

Want to work together? Let's chat.


Based in Toronto, Jessica Patterson has worked in media for the past 18 years. She spent more than 10 years as a photographer, and most recently worked in communications, teaching, research and project management roles. A journalist and editor by training, she holds both an undergraduate and Masters degree in journalism.

With a focus on multimedia and innovation in journalism internationally, Jessica worked for five years covering the North American magazine industry for FIPP. Her media innovation work has been shared by American Press Institute's Need to Know newsletter, FIPP's weekly FIPPWorld newsletter, Bo Sacks "Heard on the Web," Digital Content Next's InContext newsletter, J-Source, Media Morning Today, and The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

Most recently, Jessica increased her skill set to include teaching and communications, employing her talent for corporate organizations and academic institutions. She has experience with project management in recent years, helping roll out annual reports and strategic communications, newsletters and a national misinformation training series for post-secondary students. There, her job descriptions included everything from project planning and creating website content, to editing curriculum and writing everything from news articles, media relations, to final reports, press releases and social media posts.

As a freelancer, Jessica likes to work on pieces that share best practices and insight in the media industry, and exchange ideas and further amplify and empower female voices in business. She is currently leaning into podcasting and audio storytelling.